Programme 2014
Join us on our samba journey around the universe! All events* are free and family friendly. *Except maybe Tower of London which has a cover charge and might be a bit scary!
Join us on our samba journey around the universe! All events* are free and family friendly. *Except maybe Tower of London which has a cover charge and might be a bit scary!
Sambalactica, a journey through time and space bringing samba to the universe! This year’s theme is influenced by G.R.E.S Mocidade Independente de Padre Miguel’s 1985 song Ziriguidum 2001 which describes a journey through space and time. Our 21st century take on a 20th century song. Come and see us in action! Vou à Lua, vou
UDM is officially exhausted after some steaming samba at Cowley Road. Feelin’ hot hot hot! Bateria nota 10 e passistas arrazam! Congratulations – even the professionals found that tough – you were on FIRE!
UDM bateria and dancers shaking SW1’s annual Southwest Fest! I think we woke up the neighbours…
UDM played the rain away as they lead this year’s City of London Festival Parade. A stunning backdrop for the bright costumes and always a pleasure to brighten the square mile’s streets with some samba music and dance!
UDM brightened the streets of Primrose Hill for their annual festival on Saturday and the rain just about held off for us! New costumes, new members, what an exciting day! Feeling PROUD.
Congratulations to Stephanie Shaw and Kodie Harvey who have been specially selected to be the Porta Bandeira (Flag Bearer) and Mestre Sala (Master of Ceremony) for Uniao da Mocidade. Their position is one which carries great honour and responsibility as they carry the standard for the school and the symbols of unity that represent our
UDM welcomes our new Porta Bandeira and Mestre Sala! Read More »
Our summer season is fast approaching, we’d love to see you at our performances! Keep checking our events page or follow us on facebook for times and locations. See you soon!
‘A Criação do Mundo na Tradição Nagô’ In the depths of Bahia echoes a joyeous song, as the first three priestesses of the Candomblé retell the the tales of their ancestors; the legend of the creation of the world according to the Yoruba people of Africa. Each year we choose an old samba de enredo from