Whole Class Cultural Programmes





Total engagement: approx 1000 children, or 30 classes

Development Options and Promotion

  • Expanding existing programmes to more schools
  • Offering new programmes to schools
  • Encouraging continuation and development of skills
  • Making options as accessible as possible, removing any barriers

Sideways Growth

Research Time!

  • Is there demand from schools (are we turning down interest?)
  • If not why not? Do they know what’s on offer? What are limiting factors for them? Space? Time in the school day? Appeal of the programmes? Past experiences? Cost? Do we just need to be more pro-active with sales?
  • Can we use the New National Plan for Music Education to our advantage when it is finally published? Or maybe already now?
  • Are schools offering a ‘broad and balanced curriculum as per Osted standards? Can we help them with that?
  • Are there external agencies competing for this work?
  • Do we need to create promotional material?
  • What is our capacity to meet demand? Balancing costs and benefits of expansion (has to justify purchase of new instruments for example)
  • If a programme is over subscribed, can we recruit more teachers or is it better to divert to different programmes?
  • Are all instruments in use? Is there enough demand to buy more? 
  • Are there funding pots we haven’t applied to?
  • Should we consider restoring the Irish or Eastern European project?
  • How do we compare to other music services? (We offer more variety already)
  • Is pricing competitive? 
  • Is there adequate profit in selling more programmes or is energy better invested in ‘continuers’ (below)?

Onwards Progress

How can we encourage
 continued learning?

  • Speaking to parents at performances about not only skill development but also mental health benefits, relationships,  transferable skills etc
  • Reminding students how far they’ve come and encouraging them to follow their passions
  • Being clearer with pupils and parents about pathways into music and dance, what are their options for next steps? These steps are clearer for classical instruments than cultural. Although also need to clarify that they can still move straight on to a classical instrument after a cultural programme!
  • Can we MAKE a FLYER? Explaining next steps as well as benefits (content ideas below)
  • Follow up in different schools is very different
  • Do we need to be signposting better like ‘ready children’ in Music’s Cool? 
  • Can we offer more follow up options? Worth another go at establish a borough Ghanaian dance or drumming class?
  • The focus needs to be on transition years 5&6 as this is when children can be lost.

Flyer Side 1- Benefits of learning

Building on new skills – musical, vocal, proprioception, co-ordination, transferable skills, mental and physical health and happiness, community (future protection from ‘bad crowds’), benefits for school and uni entry etc

Flyer side 2 - Opportunities for further learning

Bravo, HMS in school lessons, HMS ensembles, HYM ensembles, local dance classes? (or expression of interest for Akoto class?)

Also ask schools to provide application form for signing up for lessons in school
Click Here

Supporting Teachers

Qualities and vision

Adinkrahene - leadership and charisma

Dwennimmen - strength, humility, wisdom and learning

Ananse Ntentan - creativity, wisdom and navigating complexity

Nkonsonkonson - 'chain', unity, community and teamwork

Leading by example, sharing skills, inspiring and supporting colleagues,

Reading the room, knowing where a colleague’s strengths and weaknesses lie and how best to address on a case by case basis. Accepting criticism from colleagues or knowing when to hand the reigns over when team teaching, using experience to pre-empt and avoid issues or offer support, learning from each other

Thinking outside the box, problem solving and creating new approaches, knowing the skill level of students and what materials will work, working as a team to solve issues in the classroom or between team members

Seeing the bigger picture as well as the details, being a small cog in a big machine, finding shared goals, helping unite and focus team members, valuing individuals for their skillset and knowing how to get the best out of them and feeding that into the team, building community.

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