Time certainly does fly when you’re having fun. It’s hard to believe we’re already into double digits, but it’s been ten years of amazing parades, carnivals, fairs and stage sets for Uniao da Mocidade!
And, just like the last ten years, our 10th birthday party flew by in a whirlwind of festivities. We had a storming stage set from our bateria, boundless energy from our dancers, and heaps of love from family and friends old and new, who all came to show their love and support for such an achievement. We really did feel the love!

We were also honoured to invite the Mestre Sala and Porta Bandeira from both Paraiso School of Samba and the London School of Samba, who took part in a traditional meeting of the flags. It felt like the perfect tribute to the Rio-roots of the samba music we’ve all spent the last ten years playing and loving.
There was also the chance to work off all the home-cooked grub we had (lovingly brought by our members’ parents and families!) with a dance class from the charismatic Jayeola, and music from DJ Gavin. We’ve always said it ain’t a proper party if you’re not sweating on the dance floor!
Thank you to all the people who’ve helped us in so many ways over the last ten years. And thank you so much to everyone who came along and made it a night to remember.
Here’s to 10, 20, even 100 more!
Article by Roshni Goyate, Alumni, Volunteer and resident writer.
Check out her writing talent on her website! http://www.roshnigoyate.com/